
Design your personalized habit.

Good habits are effortless, engaging, and effective.


Make it effortless

Clarify and simplify what youโ€™re doing so itโ€™s easy to get started and follow-through each time.


Make it engaging

Create a routine you enjoy by choosing something you want to do and making it interesting, satisfying, and fun.


Make it effective

Find the right approach that helps you feel a meaningful sense of progress towards your Ambition.

Design your habit.

Design each component to make your habit effortless, engaging, and effective.

  • 1. Behavior

    What you do

    Start with the simplest version possible and clarify exactly what youโ€™ll do and how youโ€™ll do it.

  • 2. Time

    When you do it

    Choose a time that fits best with your schedule, starting with a small commitment you can stick to.

  • 3. Environment

    Where you do it

    Optimize your space or try a new environment thatโ€™s more compelling or convenient for your habit.

  • 4. People

    Who you do it with

    Consider how you might do this with a friend, join a group, or work with an expert for guidance.

  • 5. Resources

    What you use

    Find the right books, programs, tools, and materials that give you the knowledge and capabilities you need.

  • 6. Cue

    What reminds you

    Schedule time on your calendar, set a recurring reminder, or place a physical cue in your environment.